Jim Jefferies: Freedumb (2016 TV Special)
typical leftist drivel
5 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The woe so tiresome shtick of claiming "comedian" while trashing half of America.

Another comedian who capitalizes on capitalism by spewing every left wing talking point. Tiresome and old. Boring. Not fresh. Check box, check box, check box. He hit them all before I walked away.

"Oh he's so CLEVER!" the left will say while clapping like seals. Feed me more division and hate! they exclaim.

I'm not particularly left or right in my views, a mix of both, nor particularly religious, but this show ended up being turned off after the comedian who preaches (and I do not use that term lightly) but decides to preach to us on "love not hate", guns, religion, Trump, Fox News, abortion, you name it. Every leftist's talking point he could squeeze into an act before it was turned off in our home. Talk about swimming downstream. The easiest route any "entertainer" could make.

A man who preaches about his atheism, and how religion kills, whilst more people are killed in the US on the streets by atheists than no other (just see Chicago gangs, LA gangs, Baltimore, etc). A man who preaches about love overcoming hate, while spewing hate and dividing further. Hypocrisy on an epic scale from Jefferies. He has to throw in "Fox" just to get the seals clapping. And takes Trump's words out of context and lies to further divide our country.

What an odd show.

There was a time when real comedians would poke fun at everyone, left right center. It didn't matter. Perhaps Jefferies is driven by the exact fear that he portends Trump to project? Fear of no audience because it is his fear-mongering and hate and division that drives his audience to his liberal doors. There is so much material on Hillary, for example, or Libertarians, but his fear keeps him far from that subject. I call cowardice and greed on this. Pick a side, make money.

What a shame. Another so-called hypocrite comedian charlatan. I'm pretty sure Christians, Jews, and Buddhists or whoever would give him a pass, because after all they truly preach love, don't they?

The hypocrite, fear spreading comedian? No thanks. I'll pass next time. I want to laugh, not be preached at.
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