More of the usual
3 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Hurra, die Schule brennt" is the fourth from seven Lümmel films from the late 1960s/early 1970s. These films were about a bunch of school kids playing pranks on their teachers. The core essence in this film is that it is mostly comedy and that the characters and actors are the same for the most part, but there is usually one new teacher who easily masters the class and develops a friendly relationship with the rascals. Add a little (not serious) drama, some music and some romance and you have the stereotypical Lümmel film. This one here, the middle film from from the franchise, is exactly the same. Peter Alexander and Heintje already appeared on the second movie and they return together here playing different characters though, relatives this time. And with Alexander, there is always some romance involved too. The cast includes many famous names once again. I will not mention who, you can check out the list for that, but it is very much an above-average number of actors that are still known in Germany in the years 2016. No surprise the film reached a Golden Screen again. The film lives through the charm and recognition value of the characters here as well, even if I must say the pranks have become less interesting compared to the first films of the series, but some are still decent. Overall, nonetheless the positive outweighs the negative and I give this one a thumbs-up.
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