The Fabulous Sophie Tucker
1 July 2016
Sophie Tucker was a major star of the Jazz Age and beyond. She starred in Vaudeville, on Broadway, in night clubs, recordings, 1 silent film, a handful of talkies, radio, television, and anything else you can name.

Her bawdy jazz-styled singing may have borrowed from (or even influenced) Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Mildred Bailey, Ethel Waters, and Alberta Hunter. The famous "red hot mama" shocked and delighted the Jazz Age with her bigger than life stage presence and strong singing voice. Oddly, her 1929 talkie debut in HONKY TONK (now lost) was apparently a flop.

She made a handful of film appearances for MGM but (like Fanny Brice) didn't make much impact in mild supporting roles that gave her little to do. Anyway....

This documentary is quite well done and boasts tons of photos and clips and talking heads to tell the show-biz story of Tucker from the beginning to her death in 1966 at age 82. She had a remarkable life and career, and the Eckers have done a thorough job in presenting a balanced biography of this legendary woman.

Talking heads include Tony Bennett, Carol Channing, Barbara Walters, Shecky Greene, and old clips of Bette Midler, who named her daughter after Sophie Tucker.

Seems like I always knew who Sophie Tucker was. She appeared on a lot of TV shows in the 50s and 60s. One I have always remembered was her guest shot on "The Mike Douglas Show" in July of 1965. At age 80 or so, Tucker couldn't sing and so whispered the words to "My Yiddishe Momme" and Douglas sang it. This was a very moving moment because it was clear the end was near.

This is a must-see documentary for anyone still interested in the Jazz Age, that era when Tucker ranked with Fanny Brice, Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor, Bert Williams, Ted Lewis, and Blossom Seeley as the most electrifying stage performers.

Loved the colorization of the old photos in the documentary but could have done without the puppetry app. Oh yes, and it's FELD, ZiegFELD, not FIELD.
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