Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014 Video Game)
28 June 2016
I wonder what the company was thinking.

Pros & Cons in pair: - 100+ hour of UNORDERED Content. You never know why you do and what, where the lines connect, and there is no proper ui for any of the humongous content. - Beautiful and terribly unoptimalized. It's pretty nice, but runs like turd. The game uses a lot of resources even in 2016 it's just too much, but doesn't look THAT nice. The game looks good, some scenery is beautiful, but it's just looks like an updated DAO. It's not pair with what a lot of other games can do at this graphic.

Pros: - Typical hearth warming and breaking Bioware story. Very well done and enjoyable, gives you pretty hard moral choices. I love the characters and afraid to lose any of them. I actually care about them. The choices however are not just kill the character you love ... nooo. Kill the whole family of your character or save Thedas. Very well done. - Locations. There are a lot to see, lot to read about, with it's own mood and story. This is done so well that by lore this desert is hated and you are going to hate it. The mood is done well, but you just hate the place. It's empty, it's sandy, it's hard to climb or find your way, full with hungry carnivores and annoying spiders. - The cultures. You will see, it's amazing. - Ladies and gents. Genders are so well made, and sometimes clash in your head. " I was totally not expecting this. " - The companions are amazing. Well done.

Cons: - The combat system. It's horrible. First, the controls are 'okay' on consoles, horrible on PC. Second, the enemies and AI. They are dumb. They enemy has a huge HP, fair damage, both increases with hardness, but nothing else. They literally do nothing else just basic things. So you start shooting them, and that's it. Sometimes cast a spell but yeah. However, the Ally AI does the same.. sometimes even worse. Like jumping off cliffs and using your health potions automatically. Which if you turn off, they can easily die in combat. Heal spells or anything is not available. Tank just runs off and leaves the whole team undefended, which means you have to use the tactical view a lot, but it's pretty uncomfortable and bad. Also, it doesn't give you a view of the battlefield and is in a wrong position. - AI - Combat UI - Spells and abilities. I don't understand why they did this. Most of the things are the same but with different names. Like attack - attack harder - mighty attack (which does the same). They have minor differences, but the whole thing just lacks utility. Some of the attacks are meaningless. - Spells. The spells were cut half and crippled in DAOII, sorrowfully they didn't felt the need to repair it. Spells mostly lost utility and tactility, you just spam strong and flashy attacks. Which is awesome when two archer picks on you, and the barriers run out. (or 1) It's just sorrowful that your staff does 100 dmg, and your spells do a 120 or 150. - Mage in general. The whole class just sucks. Archers do the same or more damage, but they have medium armor and escape tactics etc. You wear light armor, do the same damage and that's it. You can have a barrier, but it's not strong, especially if you play on anything but casual. So basically it's pretty boring after the first 2 hours and stays that way. The specializations are kind of bad too. 2 is just buff and gives the same control you already had, the third is melee mage.. which would be awesome if your barrier were stronger and it would do a lot of damage. Which it can but only from time to time.. like a normal spell, except you have to be in melee.. which is a very bad thing. - Map/Game design. You would expect that they don't do a lot of park-our in a game like this.. well they did. Sorrowfully. The game itself is lost in what it wants to be. A half-baked mmo/park-our/action/rpg kind of thingy. - Requisition.. meaningless, wasteful and pretty disappointing. - Crafting system. You kind of try to combine things, but in the end it's the same. If you really go onto something than you can make things like a critical rogue, but than you won't have speed or critical damage so.. in the end whatever you choose it's the same. - Very half-baked. Crashes, bugs, sometimes you have to reload it, unoptimalized. Kind of feels like EA rushed the project.

There are a lot of bad things with the game, which is being balanced by story somehow, but I can't forgive it. I only recommend it if you are a fan.
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