Review of Trianon

Trianon (2005)
A concoction of disparaged facts, to whip-up support for revisionism.
21 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Umberto Eco has shown in his book "Foucault's Pendulum" how easy it is to create fictitious history. And all those vehement Magyar commentators condemning the Trianon Treaty and the territorial loss for their country, conveniently forgot that the new boundaries resulting from it were drawn on strictly demographic-majority bases, established by independent, neutral commissions, which inspected all the contested territories. Thus, it was clearly shown that though occupied, ruled, exploited to their own interest by Magyars, the backbone of the territories was in majority Romanian. As for those filth-throwers accusing present day Romanians of fascism and what-not, I say: Better look in your backyard, perhaps you'll notice those neo-nazi, neo-horthyist youth marching!
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