Greatest Sequel Ever Made
21 June 2016
Am I ready to tell you about the greatest sequel of all time? Yes, yes I am. OK, maybe I exaggerate a little. Because it was a terrible movie. But I preferred it to the first one. Let's start with the bits I liked: the concept was better than the first one. Yep, that's about all I liked. The idea of shoving a load of spiders on a boat is better than the whole NASA space thing they had going on in the original movie. And that's one problem I have here. The sequel about giant spiders actually doesn't really link to its predecessor about other giant spiders. I guess this is just a universe where if science experiments go wrong, the result is giant spiders. Chemistry must be an optional subject at school then...poor kids.

Other bad things: - 'Logan'. The whole subplot of the name of the boat not being discovered because it's bad for Captain Badguy is so stupid considering our protagonists must have seen the name of it PAINTED IN BIG BLACK BOLD LETTERS ON THE SIDE AS THEY FRIGGIN' SAILED TOWARDS IT - There is no spider action until the last half hour. (Although there are a lot more than the first film which kinda makes up for it) - Speaking of the spiders, why the f*** do they make elephant noises? Is it because they're really big and we associate really big animals with elephants? F*** knows. - The acting from the two leads is terrible. The main guy is literally so chill when he sees a spider erupt from a naked lady's stomach you can't help but wonder if he's seen this shizz in another life. Maybe he was a poor Chemistry student at school and this is everyday for him. - Luckily the co-pilot of this rescue helicopter keeps a sneaky lil' grenade in his lunchbox just in case he ever has to blow up a f***- off massive elephant spider. - What is that CGI? - What is that kissing? Like this is the most unbelievable married couple I've ever seen on screen. She had more chemistry with Captain Badguy than her own husband. - There is no 'Spiders 3'.
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