Terribly made
20 June 2016
It's unfathomable to me that the guy who made "Blood Feast 2: All You Can Eat" can have been making movies for so many decades and still be this bad at it, but here we are. I don't just mean that the movie sucks, that it's cheap, or merely an excuse to show gore and a little bit of nudity. I mean it's just so badly shot and edited together it feels like you are watching it over someone's shoulder, with headphones on blasting southern rock. There are details that could be funny, other details that could be surprising or shocking, characters you could even care about, but the direction is just so bad you have to fight it to even work out what's going on.

It feels like it was filmed with the aid of a telescope, like the crew were really far away from the actors. When they speak, you expect to hear an echo.
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