Out of Many Contenders, Probably the Worst Jerry Lewis Film
19 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Way...Way Out" is, in my opinion, Jerry Lewis' worst movie. That's quite a claim, when you consider he also made "The Big Mouth" the following year. It's one of those 1960s "sex comedies" which is so timid and restrained that it doesn't even really deserve that description.

After an interminable time of discussing an upcoming space flight, Jerry and Connie Stevens are U.S. astronauts that fly to the moon, where they are joined by two Russian Cosmonauts, played by Dick Shawn and Anita Ekberg. I tried hard to find something humorous after the astronauts arrive on the moon, but alas, there was nothing. The movie rambles on to an inconclusive ending without a chuckle in sight.

Lost among the bad acting and poor script are some pretty good actors, including Brian Keith, Dennis Weaver, Robert Morley, and James Brolin. Keith's turn as an arrogant and autocratic army general is so bad that it's genuinely embarrassing. The entire cast seems to have saved their careers' worst performances just for this movie.

I had read really scathing reviews of "Way...Way Out" but I had to see it for myself. Yes, the reviews are correct, it's that bad, maybe worse. This horrifically bad movie makes "Hook, Line, and Sinker" look like brilliant dramatic art. Just as an experiment, you should watch "The Big Mouth" and "Way...Way Out" back to back on a rainy day. I take no responsibility for your actions, but be warned that you may end up calling a hotline for severely depressed people.
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