The story of Mary Sue begins
19 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so our main character is the definition of Mary Sue knowing a lot of complex things she could not have learned as a slave. You may think "Hercules" taught her but it seems he only taught her some basic magic. Another interesting part are the mythical creatures or rather lack of. The CGI is extremely poorly made , so bad that I know movies from the 70-80's that have more realistic monsters than this one (Sinbad's journeys for instance). The only thing that was interesting was the redhead who was hot as fire and the only character that was not paper thin was the half elf. Most of the dialogue sounds like written by a kindergartner and he story is pretty much non-existent. Also what happened to all that trapped people? weren't they supposed to save them? That being said I cannot say I did not enjoy the movie as the redhead is hot.
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