Wow! Beautiful Movie!
19 June 2016
I finally watched this film like two nights ago and I enjoyed it. I became surprisingly immersed into it and I didn't think I would be. The story was great, the direction was great, the acting was amazing, the flow was decent, the visuals were quite good, the music was beyond beautiful, and most of all, the messages/morals were very profound. Even though it felt a little slow at times, it was very enthralling to where you can't help but be into it.

Loosely based on the true story of Hugh Glass' ordeal and experience, this film really did a an outstanding job in bringing to life a story about an incredible person from history. To think, much of the traumatic stuff Hugh Glass went through is almost unbelievable and indescribable. It's amazing that he was able to get through all that and continue on. Boy, the human spirit and determination is something else! And that's what this movie, and for that matter, 'The Revenant', have shown. The shear will to live and having faith shows that we as human beings can get through difficult situations when we put our minds and hearts to it. It proves that even though things may seem bleak, don't give in and don't give up because a light of hope will make itself known. In a good way, this film felt real, raw, and at times, brutal. Ultimately, it came across as stunning, poetic, and surreal.

I think how the story plays out was great and poignant. It just touches the spirit and mind.

I only have like a few issues with it but they're not really that serious. I felt that it could've been a little longer. Like at least maybe 20 more minutes longer in which they could've possibly shown Zack's journey in the wilderness more and perhaps a few more glimpses into his past. I admittedly feel that this film was a tad bit too brief because the journey was amazing to look at and Richard Harris' performance was incredible despite having a couple of lines of dialogue. Perhaps with the small budget and little time they had, filmmakers did their best in terms of showing as much as we needed to see in understanding the main character and his plight. The second thing is the editing. At times, the editing feels a bit random and odd in some parts as if the timing was a little off. For example, if there's a scene coming to an end, it all of sudden cuts to the next scene without a more proper segue into it. This isn't in most scenes thank goodness. And finally, I wish they could've also focused more on the nature aspect of Zach Bass' evolution. Then again, they do show a good amount of nature playing a role in his physical and personal journey. Now that I think about it, this film does in fact shows that less is more. And every bit of detail of the story doesn't necessarily have to be spoon-fed to us. We understand the situation at hand with its subtlety.

The film does a wonderful and beautiful job in conveying its message, and getting to the point. It was so thought-provoking and mind blowing in several ways.

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