Moderate Trigamy
18 June 2016
Young Michael Hogan is stabbed and staggers into Grand Central Station where he dies. I'm guessing all the public attention is what brings Major Case into this homicide.

Hogan was a promising architecture student who was on the cusp of landing a big job and making a big name for himself in the field. He was also not above a few extralegal means to accomplish his goals.

The trail leads Goren and Eames to Olek Krupa a world renowned architect who is leading a most compartmentalized life. He's got not one, not two but three wives. Going Clifton Webb in The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker one better. This is a man with a lot of secrets including a few that some people are keeping from him.

Another case that needs the eclectic mind of Vincent D'Onofrio to solve. And he will have to solve a few cases without Kathryn Erbe as her real life pregnancy is written into the show. Samantha Buck will come on for a few episodes as Goren's foil. Lucky to be with him though.

A little moderate trigamy highlights this story.
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