Gentle Comedy
16 June 2016
In the midst of the "screwball comedy" fad in 30's Hollywood comes a British comedy of a different stripe. "The Ghost Goes West" is subtler than American audiences of the 30's were becoming used to and probably did not register with them as a result. It's a gentle comedy that grows on you, with hints of humor that warms rather than overpowers.

It stars one of the best, Robert Donat, who left us too soon. He was fresh off his success in "The Thirty-Nine Steps" and is seen here in a dual role as Donald Glourie, pennyless heir to Glourie Castle, and as his ancestor, Murdoch Glourie, a womanizer and not the warrior his father wanted. He is ably supported by lovely Jean Parker, and by Eugene Palette as her father and new owner of the castle.

It is well worth your time as an interesting and rewarding example of a different type of humor than we have become used to on this side of the Atlantic.
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