Review of Aldnoah.Zero

Aldnoah.Zero (2014–2015)
One word: TERRIBLE
14 June 2016
I have seen many anime, reviewed a bunch, and yet I've never given any one of them a "1" before. This one gets it! It is as bad an attempt at story as I can imagine, which is saying a lot, since I'm a SciFi-Fantasy author myself. This is a feature which tries to make a story, but never does, mostly because of the mindless, imbecilically & pointlessly stupid violence based on more mindless and imbecilic hatred of people who are virtually identical in every respect. It is DUMB raised to an art form, and an art form which is neither engaging nor interesting. Watching beings kill each other for no particularly thoughtful reason, using giant robots to boot, doesn't help. ACTION for no sake at all IS NOT INTERESTING! The story which they TRY to make, is so lame and half-hearted, that they would have been better off just putting everybody in a ring and have them all fight just to see who wins, forgetting any reason for it. You don't care about the characters, for there is hardly anything in the way of personalities to care about, you don't care who wins, and by the forth episode, I just wanted to see everybody blow up in a gigantic explosion - this made the most sense of anything with what was going on in this feature. There is nothing and no one to be sympathetic over here, no drama which captivates the viewer, and no gripping plot which makes us want to keep viewing until the end. Beyond that, the illustrations are weak and sophomoric, while the animation is only so-so with colors that look as if you're watching things though a light fog. I did make it - painfully - through the 7th episode, and then I just had to stop. I couldn't waste any more of my time on terrible, and terrible was all I was getting on every level. I'd much rather watch a Bugs Bunny cartoon, they are SO MUCH superior. There are many anime out there, and all that I've seen so far are much better than this one, even the bad ones. Do yourself a favor and DON'T WATCH THIS ONE - it WILL make you dumber!
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