Would have been alright without the icy sow of a mother
9 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie more... the boy was actually quite a good actor, and the premise is quite good. But the depressing atmosphere and the cold, hard-hearted bitch of a mother who essentially emotionally abused her son his whole life took any possible enjoyment out of this movie for me. When I started hoping she would die horribly, I thought I should probably stop watching - but stayed til the end for the sake of closure, and in the vain hope that it would be less dreary and depressing. Which it was, at the very end. In terms of filming and production values, it was good... and maybe if the mothers behaviour wasn't something of a trigger issue for me, I might have gotten more out of this. Basically there's no reason not to give it a try, just be aware that there's no joy or relief from the depressing tone throughout.
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