Sex, skin, long bores and snores
3 June 2016
Know here as Dungeon Terror, with a much flattering video cover. I found little value, and terror, if a little disturbed somewhat as to the themes of the film, where the two little teen hotties, the blonde one, yummmmm.... seemed particular young for this sort of caper, baring much skin. They become drawn to this castle, a sort of refuge for em' where it's their great fate, to become the latest victims of vampire lust. The blonde actress, is the best thing about this Z grade schlock. This movie wants to work as a horror/terror/sex flick, purposely, but there's more sex and arousal scenes then the torture/horror, some of it quite disturbing, than it offers. This is a slow, plodding, boring, and trying film on the viewer. I mean boring with a capital B. Honestly, the best part of this trash is it's first ten minutes, when the blonde gets felt up and loves it. This is one of those movie misfires from the 70's, where there's a couple of good bits, but, in between, are long stretches of yawns, with a not much happening flat story. The cover has you thinking it's somewhat of an 80's film, where there will be real sick goings on, etc. Forgive me, but that's the movie, I'd rather see, than this, but also with Marie Pierre Castel and friend on board as well.
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