Review for Miracles From Heaven
29 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for a tearjerker, then you're in the right place. I caution people to not wear makeup when watching this movie because you will be crying by the end. The story is about a Christian family from Texas, whose second daughter becomes seriously ill with an incurable disease. The situation puts a lot of financial stress on the parents because they have to see a specialist out of Boston every month. The journey is about the mother, played by Jennifer Garner, and how she does whatever she can to make sure her daughter gets the best treatment possible. The movie is based on the real- life story of the Beam family and what happened with the middle daughter Anna, played by Kylie Rogers.

While there are some religious and spiritual elements of the movie, and it plays an important role, it never comes off as preachy or pushy. It just works with how the story is told. The idea of having faith is an important theme of the characters in the movie. The mother struggles with her faith and questions her belief in God. While Anna, tries to stay positive and even has a conversation with another sick girl, to try and cheer her up. Eventually, Anna wants to give up on living until an accident happens that changes her life. Hence the title of the movie.

One of the things that sell the emotion of the movie is the tremendous acting by both Garner and Rogers. They really sell a real connection between a mother and daughter. Rogers is such a delightful little girl that warms your heart when she's happy and saddens it when she's in pain. Garner does an amazing job with the real tears and heartfelt speeches about her daughter. The entire cast is great in this movie. Queen Latifah comes in (for a few scenes) not only to provide some comedy but to bring some hope to the girls when they feel a bit defeated.

Even if you are not a fan of faith-based movies, you will still enjoy this film because the focus is on the mother and daughter and the family struggles. If you're looking for a good cry, watch it. If you aren't looking to cry, watch it! This is an amazing movie and sheds great light on people who do have sick children and everything they have to go through. It's a heartbreaking story that ends with a very uplifting message. The idea being that miracles are everywhere, even if it's just someone helping you out in a tough situation. It's the little things in life that make the big things possible. Watch the movie, and get inspired.
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