Repetitive, derivative, and pointless...
27 May 2016
Another mindless teen "horror" flick, much of which consists of a group of decidedly non-interesting kids traversing some decidedly non-spooky terrain (despite having been shot in "the most haunted place in Australia") while tentatively calling out each other's names.

The home they spend much of their time in seems like some kind of bunker, but what's the point of constantly recording every inch of it on security cameras if none of the characters EVER looks at a monitor to notice the peculiar (though not particularly original) goings on?

Not helping matters is the the fact that lead "actress" Lauren Clark seems to be limited to two expressions; an admittedly dazzling smile, and a vacuous stare. It's impossible to become invested in the fate of any of the characters because they're all (sub)standard issue "horror teens."

Relying on jumpy camera work (and black contact lenses and too much eye shadow to identify the ghosts), the movie can't even whip up a veneer of suspense. Poorly written, shot, acted and edited, at 82 minutes it manages to overstay its welcome before it's half over.

Written and directed by Bianca Biasi and Arnold Perez, and produced by mistake.
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