WWE Raw: The Hitman is Back (1996)
Season 4, Episode 41
Bret Hart has returned!
25 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Live from Ft Wayne, Indiana

Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler

Sycho Sid Vs Owen Hart (W/Clarence Mason)

Sid wins by DQ after The British Bulldog interferes. Shawn Michaels runs down and makes the save. This match was slightly disappointing. I didn't expect a classic or anything, but I expected something more serviceable, that's for sure. You were basically waiting for the run-in by Shawn.


The Smoking Gunns Vs The Godwinns (W/Hillbilly Jim)

The Godwinns win after Henry pins Billy Gunn with the Slop Drop. (inverted DDT) This match was all about the dissension between The Smoking Gunns. It furthered that storyline effectively. The match itself was pretty mediocre.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley attacks Mr. Perfect by ramming a cart into Triple H's leg before the match.

Bret Hart makes his return to the WWF. Jim Ross is interviewing him. Bret says he got a lucrative offer from a rival organization. He turned it down because's he's not greedy for money, he's greedy for respect. Bret says he's gonna be with the WWF forever. He says Shawn Michaels beat him fair and square in the middle of the ring, and there is no excuses for it. He says there is something about Shawn Michaels that really bugs him. He says there are people who think Shawn is more popular and cuter (Ha!) than him. He says Shawn is a great wrestler, and a great champion. He says Shawn will never be as tough as him or as smart as him. He says he'll face Steve Austin at Survivor Series. He says he's gonna kick Austin's ass. Stone Cold is shown watching in the back. Brian Pillman does an over the top celebration which catches Austin's eye. He says he prides himself on being a role model, and the one thing missing in the WWF has been Bret Hart. He says he promised a little boy who became ill that he'd come back for him. That little boy was his nephew. He says he wants to be an inspiration for young kids everywhere. He can't dance or pose for girly magazines, but he's the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, and he's back.

Thoughts: This was an excellent, heartfelt promo from Bret. Bret wasn't known for his microphone skills or anything, but he could cut a solid promo when he had to.

Mr. Perfect (W/Marc Mero & Sable) Vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Mr. Perfect is not cleared to wrestle, because of what Helmsley did with the cart to his knee. Marc Mero agrees to wrestle in his place, and puts the title on the line. We have ourselves an impromptu match.

Intercontinental Championship

Marc Mero (W/Sable & Mr. Perfect) Vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

There is a referee bump near the end of the match. Mr. Perfect acts like he's gonna drill Hunter in the head with a chair, but he ends up nailing Mero with the chair instead. Helmsley delivers the Pedigree and becomes the new Intercontinental Champion. Mero and Helmsley had decent chemistry with each other out there. The "Perfect hoax" was well done. You believed Mr. Perfect was turning face, and they did a good job of fooling you.


5.5/10 overall.
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