Steel (I) (2015)
What an amazing film!
24 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK so I thought to myself "hmmm gay films are never usually that good." But this one is!

It deals with depression, anxiety attacks and loneliness in a way no other film to my mind ever has! Yes the full-frontal was a bonus I agree there.

My only issue and it is a major one, was that this guy that helps him through almost the entire film ends up being imaginary! That was a really big 'up yours' to me and I have to say I would have preferred it if the film ended right after they got home from shopping. Alexander could say 'I love you' for the billionth time (lol) and finally Daniel could say it back. The end.

Don't get me wrong, I totally get why they did this and I'm not saying it didn't make sense because it did, but it just hit me in the gut when they revealed it.

Guys a lot of gay films out there suck. I know this for a fact. But this one, NOT AT ALL!

Well done to Sven Matten and Vincent Ho on piecing together nothing short of a masterpiece.
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