Review of The Door

Game of Thrones: The Door (2016)
Season 6, Episode 5
I'm in tears
23 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode - where to start. Throughout Game of Thrones there have been a lot of moments that has made you laugh, smile, gasp and cry, but none has done so as much as this one.

This is Game of Thrones, and it is truly heartbreaking. But before I talk about the final moments of this episode, I'll review the rest.

This episode like the others is beautifully directed and acted, with nearly every scene playing out spectacularly. The scene with Dan and Jorah was great to see, and finally Jorah might get the peace he has been fighting for. We also get our first look at the new Red Woman, and it looks like her presence is going to mirror that of our already known Red Woman.

Other than the scenes at Castle Black and at Meerern, and with Arya furthering her training (with a brilliant theatre scene), this episode shines at the end.

Wow. The final moments of this episode broke me in two, not even the Red Wedding or Hardhome made me gasp and shake with intensity. It plays out all happy then suddenly does what Game of Thrones does, and pull it from under you. We lose two beloved characters, while you could argue that one is not really a character, but has been with us since season 1 episode 1 as a small cute furry bundle of joy. Seeing what the White Walkers can do has given us something else to fear from them.

I am eager to see what comes next for our characters, whats left of them.

I could go on to say that this is one of the greatest TV episodes of all times. If you don't like it, you're not a Game of Thrones fan.

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