AmeriGeddon (2016)
90 minutes of Message
23 May 2016
This film is short and clearly it's budget was constricted, but I appreciate the intent - few who are at polar opposites to Al Gore and the likes of the Clooney's or Kate Beckinsale ever get a chance to drive what's on the Big Screen. One could say this film is a sort of "opera", it's far easier to connect with when you already know what to expect - and in that sense Heavin and Norris actually score "OK" by my reckoning - this is a synthesis of many books that inform and alarm (One Second After, the Patriots and Survivors series, etc.) Will the people who shied away from 13 Hours come to watch this movie, of course not ! The Dog Whistles that also drove the mainstream of Hollywood to disdain the 300 movie for its values are certainly working overtime against AmeriGeddon.

On the plus side, it's shorter than the re-make of Red Dawn.

I would get the US troops helmets, and remember that "the brig" is a term of the Navy and Marines.

IMHO the title is terrible ... and yes the climax is like an episode of the A-Team. On the other hand this could be a good double-feature with Invasion USA ...
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