Review of The Door

Game of Thrones: The Door (2016)
Season 6, Episode 5
Such an emotional episode
22 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In the very first scene, with Sansa and Littlefinger, Sansa expresses her distrust towards him and further proves to the audience that she is - finally - learning. She even learnt from him (the very best) and chose not to tell Jon about where she got her information from. Littlefinger is shown to be in great discomfort in this scene, which is a rare sight for one of the most quietly intimidating and powerful people in all of Westeros.

Varys - another man of knowledge and power - was made very uncomfortable in this episode as he was confronted with his greatest fear/enemy: magic. It was so very strange seeing both Littlefinger and Varys in their states, yet it was a gentle reminder that nobody is entirely invulnerable. As a wise man once said: power resides where men believe it resides.

We were also treated to another emotional, albeit short, scene with Daenerys and Jorah, in which we receive a long-awaited pardon. Jorah declares his love for Daenerys, and in return she finally forgives him for his treason. She sends him away with a (final?) mission: find a cure for his greyscale. Unfortunately, I'm not too confident that he'll actually find that cure, or even if they'll meet again, but I can only be optimistic and pray that he does and they do.

Euron Greyjoy has won the King's Moot; alas, he was too late and as a result, Yara and Theon have escaped with (seemingly) all of the ships. Where will they go? Will they head over to Meereen themselves and implement Euron's plan before he can? It seems unlikely, but I'm not sure where else they can go. At least we now know Daenerys will have her ships soon!

Arya's training seems to have been stunted once more. Jaqen seems very skeptical of her and her ability to serve the Many-Faced God. Perhaps, if things don't go according to plan for Arya with her next mission, we'll see her leaving Braavos sooner than expected.

The final scene was completely traumatising. Bran! You mustn't linger too long or you'll drown! Do the Starks ever listen? Had he been more careful this tragedy could have been avoided. I was not expecting to see the White Walkers in this episode, nor was I expecting the death of the Three Eyed Raven, Hodor, and Summer (Bran's direwolf). We learnt how Hodor became Hodor and witnessed the tragedy unfold before us. It was honestly heartbreaking. Hodor died fighting and doing what he always had done so well: protecting Bran.

I do sincerely hope that Bran has learnt enough in his time in training and that he can put to good use what he's been taught. He's one of the final pieces of the puzzle to defeating the White Walkers, so his survival is absolutely paramount.

No King's Landing or Ramsay storyline in this episode, sadly, but we've next week to look forward to, and I imagine it will be quite eventful given all the tricks both Cersei and the High Sparrow have up their sleeves.

This episode's culmination marks the halfway point for season six - can you believe we're here already? With only five episodes to go, I'm already starting to fear for the end of the season.
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