Review of The Door

Game of Thrones: The Door (2016)
Season 6, Episode 5
The Starks SUCK as people
22 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
And I only mean 2 of the 4 we saw in this episode. Rickon is a non- factor, and kinda always has been. Arya and Jon are both great, and clearly important, but I'm talking about those other two. Besides, Arya is no one, and Jon is a Snow.

First, Sansa. I'm still irritated that she is so eager to go to war, knowing that her role will be an REMF. But then, in this episode she is willing to dismiss additional troops for the sake of her pride. I'm not trying to suggest what happened to her was OK, but it wasn't Littlefinger's doing, and right now killing the Bolton's with extreme prejudice is the entire point. Then, in a strategy meeting, she lies to her brother, whom she trusts, but he obviously shouldn't trust her. I've never liked her character, and she is getting worse to me. I hope that, somehow, she still becomes a violent casualty of this war. Maybe fly of the moon door. Spoiled Stark.

Second, Bran. Now, was he, or was he not supposed to skin-walk on his own like that? Pretty much like going swimming without a lifeguard, when you are still learning how. And, what was the result of it? Got his wolf killed. Lost the tree. Dead Children. Dead raven. Dead Hodor. CAUSED Hodor's ailment? ... And all because he's impetuous? Stick his ass in the tree so that people don't have to drag him around anymore. Bratty Stark.

Overall, I thought it was a slower episode. Frenetic finale, and a wicked turn on the Islands. I absolutely expected Yara to rule, so I appreciate that there are still surprises like that in the story. I like the Red Woman 2.0, and I like Jorah's new quest. I hope that gets turned into a mini-series of it's own. I thought the play was a nice touch as well. This episode felt more like it was just moving the pieces around the board, as opposed to actually doing anything and driving the story forward.
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