Game of Thrones: The Door (2016)
Season 6, Episode 5
Amazing Breathtaking Storytelling.
22 May 2016
How should I start???? Wow This episode was a mixture of emotions and mysteries i never thought that they would top "Hard home" but they actually did with topnotch storytelling and keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. This is the best episode of the season and definitely one of the great ones. Finally game of thrones is getting the pace we all wanted and in this one oh boy You get that quite a lot . This season started off quite slow there were complains of game of thrones losing its charm and all that. I guess they are saving the best for last. you'll see plenty of new characters and start to understand them quickly that's why this show is so good it makes you care for the characters no matter how bad it is so watch it people before anyone spoils it for you ... It's Mind blowing .
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