Generic and Bland - Straight to Video Programmer
21 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is one thing radically wrong with this movie - Dolph Lundgren.

I know it will seem shallow and superficial to comment on a character's make up - but Lundgren's make up was so bad, so incredibly bad, that it overwhelmed the already light story line. All I could think about were the incredibly deep facial wrinkles which made him look like a human Sharpei. At age 58 Lundgren is now a generation too old to have played this character successfully.

Aside from Lundgren, this was a generic straight to video movie. There is not one new or innovative idea in the entire film. Cardboard characters and standard settings.

The child actors in this movie had their moments, but they mostly came across as "hyperactive' rather than "cute". The rest of the cast is so bland that you will forget who they were half an hour after the movie.
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