Batman: Dizzoner the Penguin (1966)
Season 2, Episode 18
Birds of a feather flock together
21 May 2016
"Dizzoner the Penguin" has Batman bravely diving into the sulfuric acid, uninjured due to the acid proof material used in making their costumes! (what a groaner). The Penguin (Burgess Meredith) delights in using every slimy, underhanded trick in the book, overjoyed that in politics it's all legal. A television debate (Jack Bailey the moderator) finds Penguin extolling his own virtues in being surrounded by police, excoriating Batman for constantly hobnobbing with criminals! Also televised is a curious Batfight presided over by Walter Klondike (Jack Benny sidekick Don Wilson, in his final performance), with Chet Chumley (Dennis James) counting notches for each candidate, and David Dooley (Allen Ludden) trying to avoid punches on the floor. Election night is fraught with tension as polls indicate victory for Penguin, boldly phoning Commissioner Gordon to boast about replacing him with The Riddler, promoting The Joker to Chief of Police! All ends well however, as Batman's trust in the electorate proves that the voters, not the polls, are what truly matters. The conclusion finds the Caped Crusader receiving a call from a certain political party, asking if he'd like to run for President in 1968, followed by a call from the 'other' party with the same request! All of Burgess Meredith's best virtues are on display, broadcast just in time for the 1966 midterm elections.
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