Snake Eater 3: His Law (1992 Video)
Great biker movie - easily the best in the series.
19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Yep, I'd say in a pretty town like this, outlaw bikers outta stand out like a Great Danes balls".

Snake Eater 3: His Law is the third and unfortunately the last entry of the Snake Eater series - it is however, very easily, the best of the three. It's lean and mean and peppered with humor. It's Lorenzo Lamas pitted against an ongoing assortment of: bar room thugs, "wild-eyed greaseballs", quarrelsome n' incompetent coppers, crooked businessmen and gun-wielding outlaw bikers. And well, sparks fly..... especially at the end.

The general plot of the movie revolves around an elderly couples daughter, who's kidnapped by a gang of bikers and over time is turned into a vegetable, through forced drug-use and rough and wild gangbang action. The hero of this terrific direct-to-video classic (Lorenzo Lamas) is hired by the parents to track down and kill the bikers and that's exactly what happens and it's a blast to watch. Several blasts actually.

The casting is great in this movie, especially (former WWF wrestling star) Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow (RIP) in the role of "Goose" - he was MADE FOR THE ROLE and damn does he play it perfectly; he's great in all his scenes and has one of cinema's best/funniest death scenes. What's that you say "funniest" how could a death scene be funny? Watch it and see, because there's "More than one way to cook a Goose".

Plenty of shoot-out's, a great bar fight, a strip club pop-in, antique shop visits, hotels afire and of course plenty of T & A. To my way of thinking B-Movies don't get much better than this. This is a lovely little nugget of action, intrigue and romance from the early 90's, which is probably the best era ever for action movies. If you were comparing biker movies I would say only "Stone Cold" (1991) is better than this, because after all you simply can't beat Lance Henriksen as Chains!

The movie culminates when an orgy of guns n' grenades erupts at "The Clubhouse", which is the secluded hangout of the biker gang known as the "Hell's Fury". Their hangout is an awesomely convincing and well-worn looking dive of a place, the interior is real grubby and loaded with all kinds of miscellaneous biker schwag. Talk about perfect set construction (and eventual DE-struction). Kind of a shame to see it explode at the end.

This movie stands tall in the category of violent biker movies, a real shame this was the last of the Snake Eater series, but at least it went out with a bang. Lorenzo Lamas should have kept cranking these out every 2 to 3 years, these "taking out the trash" movies are a blast. Oh and by the way, the first two films of the series, they just aren't very good, especially the second one. It's puzzling when some misguided fool claims otherwise, it's almost as if they haven't seen all three films. If memory serves me correct, the first scenes in the first movie, looks as if it were filmed by a high school AV club, with hand-me-down equipment. Bad.

......anyway if you want to see an exciting biker movie, sit down and watch - Snake Eater III: His Law. Somehow when I watch this movie it never fails to elevate my mood, I guess that's the sign of a good movie.

Take note of Bam Bam Bigelow's spot-on performance, probably the best performance of it's kind, well, again, except for Chains.
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