Crime, Inc. (1945)
unexpectedly compelling
19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A gangster movie with a good supporting cast: Leonard, Beddoe, Atwill as a lawyer and the chairman of the mobsters' syndicate, G. Meeker. As for Carrillo, billed as the star of the movie, he looks like a perfidious, untrustworthy oldster, which was good for the role. The leading actress, nice but unskilled, seemed a Stanwyck wannabe. Neal is legendary, but I have never found him convincing or likable. Be it as it may, the role he makes here is passable.

The acting highlight belongs to Leonard.

The fact is they assembled quite a cast, partly by recycling veterans.

The 2nd thing it's the exciting and eventful script it has: 'the invisible government', the organized crime, the syndicate, the rub-outs; one of PRC's best written movies, and one of their sensationalist dramas made in the '40s. Stultified audiences have been taught to despise them.

By both look and story-line, it reminded me of '70s mafia movies made in Italy.

This movie's reputation is unfair. Stylistically, unconsciously, it was way ahead of its time. The storytelling is very compelling. The reporter isn't idealized at all.

For movie buffs endowed with a catholic sympathy, with catholicity of taste, for that elite of movie buffs, with the availability's of acknowledging good acting, and the awareness of its nature, and of wonders that enhance those offered by the stage, these fun-houses have the dimension of an acting fair.
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