A forgettable film
17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Our Kind of Traitor is that type of film that isn't totally rubbish, but it's not exactly Casino Royale either. It's one of the most mediocre films I have ever seen. To begin with, the plot is uninteresting. Basically, it's about a university teacher Perry (Ewan McGregor) who tries to help a guy called Dima (Stellan Skarsgård), who is from the Russian mafia. Perry is assisted by his wife Gail (Naomi Harris)and a guy from the MI6 called Hector (Damien Lewis) , who also has some generic agent friends. The plot is filled with problems. Why would a poetry teacher help a Russian mafia? Well the movie doesn't really explain it. Perry just agrees to help Dima, just because Dima seems like a friendly bloke. The relationship problems between Gail and Perry are unnecessary for the film. It never shows how they work out their problems, they just sort of get along after a while. Also, there is no real villain. There are just some guys, who don't like Dima (for a special reason) and want him dead. And that's it! It's boring all the way through by not having any interesting dialogue or memorable scenes.

Visually it's nothing special. It's just really bland and gray. Some of the special effects are of questionable quality as well. The music is unnoticeable. Intense music was there when needed, but there isn't much else.

Now the only reason this film is not horrible, is because the acting is decent at times. Ewan McGregor and Naomi Harris try their best, but they can't really save much, because of the boring dialogue. Stellan Skarsgård was miscast . His stereotypical Russian accent is embarrassingly bad and he just doesn't feel like a guy, who would be in the Russian mafia. Furthermore, the family of Dima is a weird one. They speak English in Russian family. The only constantly speaking Russian member was the mother, but even she was unconvincing . However, Damian Lewis did a great job. I thought his character was interesting and I understood his motives. He was also the best written character, but that doesn't say much in this film.

Overall, you should probably avoid seeing Our kind of Traitor. It is average in pretty much all aspects.
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