Game of Thrones: Book of the Stranger (2016)
Season 6, Episode 4
Well propelled and exciting
16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what all the negativity is for but in my opinion the episode did all of the things it should have done and made it to be one of the best of the season so far.

It started off with a heartwarming reunion of Sansa and Jon-a reunion all fans have been waiting for and honestly brought tears to my eyes as its something I have been waiting for as well. This scene was particularly satisfying as I was so scared it would be another instance such as when Arya was literally a couple of metres away from a reunion from Sansa but then turned away and because of the last we saw of Jon last episode was of him leaving but i'm so glad it turned out the way it did.

We then see Baelish and Robin interact which was good as it was a story line that hadn't seen thus far. Baelish hints at going to find Sansa and going to "help her" which we find out later in the episode this could potentially help Jon win back Winterfell with a well-needed army. The next scene we saw Tyrion being Tyrion- negotiating, pissing some people off but trying to do what he deems morally right. This was an interesting scene because Greyworm and Missandei don't agree with Tyrion but are still being loyal to Daenerys so I wonder how long that will hold out until Dani returns. Tyrion I think has the right intentions and is going about the way he thinks will cause the least trouble but I do wonder the repercussions of having slavery for another seven years will be.

We are then shown Daario and Jorah trying to free Dani. Daario sports Jorah's greyscale which is the first time someone other than Jorah has seen it so it will be interesting what happens with that. I thought Jorah would keep it a secret and when it was getting too bad and he was unable to control it he would leave to protect his Kahleesi but we will have to wait and see now We then revisit Daenerys making a friend as she comes across Daario and Jorah who then come up with a plan to get her out without mass bloodshed.

The next scene shows Margaery in her cell as she gets told to come out and meet with the high sparrow. This was the only scene that really lost me a bit. It was nice to see something different develop with Margaery but I find the High Sparrow incredibly dreary to listen to so I have to admit I zoned out a bit. Margeary is then reunited with her brother who seems to have given up hope. As it was always clear that is just made even clearer in this scene- Margaery is the strongest Tyrell.

Cersei and Jamie then do their usual intimidation and manipulation to try and eliminate the HIgh Sparrow. Pretty decent development as you start to see more cooperation between the Lannisters and the Tyrells even if it is reluctant, they just have found a common ground. Small segment between Theon and his sister. Not much happens just him giving his right to the throne to her and admitting her doesn't want to rule. I personally just want to see Theon sit down for a while so he can just relax for a while. Granted he did some messed up sh*t, he didn't deserve what Ramsay did to him.

Speaking of the little sh*t, the next scene is Ramsay doing what he does best- killing and then smiling about it. Osha comes in, tries her best to kill Ramsay and unfortunately gets stabbed in the neck instead. I was really rooting for and I really liked her loyalty, almost, to the Starks and really sad she's dead. And more so, sad Ramsay isn't. The next scene is at Castle Black with the usual crew eating "food" when on receives a letter. It made my skin crawl and to think the writer actually had to write that makes me feel ill. I love the relationships that have formed between the people at Castle Black. Jon and Sansa, Jon and Tormund and Eddison. As well as Brienne and Sansa. I think the writers have made a really good job of creating these characters and still holding them to their beliefs, but when necessary, can put their pride away and cooperate- as also shown by Brienne, Davos and Melisandre earlier in the episode. I hope that Baelish will come with his army and help them out so that they stand a chance against Ramsay because Christ, I want him dead. I saw a review about someone complaining about the amount of screen time Ramsay seems to be getting, but I would much rather have a strong (although repulsive) character with clear motives and story line than one such as Bran, who I know is a lot younger but I just never clicked with his story. Ramsay has also become an important part in the series as he has Winterfell, the home of Jon and Sansa, who now both are together and keen to go home. And of course the finale of the episode. Once again, Dani manages to slam down the disgusting comments made to her and instead of submitting, she burns them alive and emerges- quite literally- the victor. I am exited to see where he newly found Dothraki followers take her in terms of Meereen but we will just have to see.

So in review, the episode was engaging for the most part but certainly didn't leave any story lines stagnant. All story lines presented in this episode have been developed and have laid out a foundation for future episodes without making the whole episode simply a set-up episode in which nothing happens. Excited to see next weeks episode.
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