Game of Thrones: Book of the Stranger (2016)
Season 6, Episode 4
Another excellent episode to an excellent season.
16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching GoT it is the conversations and the characters that made it such a good show. Then the budget increased from the second season and we got some spectacular action sequences as well. No that I'm complaining. This episode reaffirms that it is the conversations and the characters that make GoT great.

Once again we start the story at the Wall. I thought Jon left the Castle Black in the last episode and I was expecting him to miss the arrival of Sansa. However, for once writers weren't cruel enough to do that. Their meeting was nostalgic and yet poignant to watch. The Starks have been through a lot!!

The resurrection has transformed Jon Snow. He is still the man who does the right thing but his overall faith on humanity has diminished. It did come down to Sansa and the letter from the other bastard to convince him to wield his sword and march for a war. Now that the Lord of Arryn is planning to give his army to help Sansa, it should bolster the wildling army of Jon.

The catching up among Davos, Brienne, and Melisandre was excellent. There was an underling tension among them and that should continue to the rest of the season as well.

The highlight of this episode is Tyrion. He is back at his witty best after a sour episode. In OathBreaker his conversation with Missandei and Grey Worm was cringe worthy and did not add anything valuable to the plot. It was good to see him wield his keen sense of acumen to strike a deal with the Masters.

The entire 11 minutes at Kings Landing was kind of boring. Nothing much happening there. The editors could have trimmed down at least a solid 4 minutes. It appears that the only take away from KingsLanding is Cersie and the Tyrells have buried the hatchet for the time being.

I don't know why people were criticizing the logic of Theon arriving safely to the Pyke. He was armed, he knows the route and he is a big boy. There are many ports in Westreros where he could have got a ticket to sail to the Iron Islands. Anyway what surprised me is the lack of Euron Greyjoy in this episode.

I'm still thinking there is a conspiracy between Osha/Rickon and the Umbers to destroy the Boltons. Sadly Osha had to die trying her best to bring down Ramsay.

Moving on, all the action in this episode were confined to Vaes Dothrak. Age and GreyScale have taken a toll on the physical ability of Ser Jorah Mormont. He and Daario played the role of side-kick to Danny. However the twist is Danny is no longer the damsel in distress. She took the matters in her own hand and used her strength/power/magic to remind us that wait for it.....'FIRE CAN'T KILL HER'. Even though it was reminiscent of the episode 'Fire and Blood' it still had the logical consistency and of course moves the story forward.

Overall, another excellent episode to an excellent season.

+ Jon meets Sansa.

+ Danny gets a bigger army now.

+ Reek to Theon in progress.

+ Tyrion wields his mind again.

  • Boring sub-plot at Kings Landing.

  • I still don't know what 'Book of the Stranger' is

My rating 9.5/10, so rounding it off to a solid TEN.
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