Game of Thrones: Book of the Stranger (2016)
Season 6, Episode 4
Call the banners
15 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***May Contain Spoilers***

While this episode served mainly to set the stage for things to come, it was filled with great scenes and some great dialogue. One of my favorite scenes was Little Finger owning Lord Royce. Little Finger completely flips the threat on himself onto Lord Royce as Robbin is easily manipulated by Baelish who will really rule as Lord of the Vale. Curious to see Sansa encounter Baelish again. He did send her off to Ramsay but she needs the Vale so she will need to quickly forgive. Tyrion does some negotiating and acts in Daenery's absence and gets some backlash from his colleagues for his proposal to the Masters of Astapor, Yunkai and Volantis. Jorah and Daario reach Daenerys and attend the dosh khaleen. Daenerys heats things up and wins some support in the process. Can't wait to see the Tyrell's and Lannister's take on the High Sparrow and the faith and then Jon, Sansa, the wildlings, the Vale and any northern houses who will rally behind Jon and Sansa to take on Ramsay. Brienne gloats and talks some s*** to Davos and Melisandre. Cersei, Jaime, the Queen of Thorns and Kevin Lannister discuss working towards a common goal. Theon and Yara reunite in an iron born way, but never the less unite to make Yara the leader of the iron islands. Jon gets "the pink letter" as Ramsay personally calls Jon out and claims to have Rickon and will flay all the wildlings and makes a few other threats which influence their response to the letter. This episode really set the stage for the plot line in the north, Mereen and Vaas Dorthrak, King's landing. Can't wait to see the battles in the North. King's landing is about to go war as well as Mereen. The next 6 episodes should be amazing.
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