A Mother's Revenge (2016 TV Movie)
See Jamie Luner run!
14 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are many ways to approach a film like this but if you know what you're getting into and why then you could end up enjoying A Mother's Revenge. But like any review or opinion it's all subjective. One man's treasure is another man's trash. All I really want when I watch a movie is to be entertained-period. Sometimes that entertainment comes in the form of watching the flaws or poking fun but it is all in good nature. The creative process is a personal one and when actors/filmmakers put themselves out there the response can be most brutal. So while this may come across as negative, cruel or just downright mean it couldn't be farther from the intention. This "review" is more of just an opinion on why you may or may not enjoy this movie...and a way for me to say why I did.

What I took away from A Mother's Revenge: Jamie Luner can outrun pretty much everyone (at least everyone in this film).

When a 40-something year old milf yoga mom discovers that her daughter has been kidnapped by some mysterious, accent-challenged (more on this later) man said mom throws on her running shoes and races to rescue her daughter...in the nick of time (although I do believe there was never any set time limit but that's neither here nor there!)!

Despite all the obstacles in her way, our heroine (played by the milfiest of milfs and Lifetime staple Jamie Luner)has to not only save her daughter but deal with a douchy ex-husband, inept law enforcement officers, annoying desk clerks and pasty-faced, middle-aged thugs. Her biggest challenge though is being made to run random and meaningless errands for the kidnapper while using the daughter's cell phone. That's basically the whole film in a nutshell. The rest is filled in with Jamie Luner running from location to location. I was quite impressed with all the cardio they had her doing. My legs were tired just watching that. I often thought it would save a lot of wear and tear on her shoes if she just flagged a cab down or something but maybe that was something the bad guy frowned upon that they didn't include in the movie? One might never know. Speaking of the kidnapper-bad guy I could not figure out where he was from. In the beginning I sensed a touch of English to his blood and detected a slight British accent. But much later on in the film he took on a very noticeable southern twang. This confused me. Was he using this to throw off his captive and her mother perhaps? Or maybe he couldn't remember which accent he was using? Maybe there was a last minute script change during filming? It boggles the mind!

Highlights (for me) include: -Jamie Luner running -Seeing legendary scream queen Debbie Rochon -Fred Olen Ray (screenplay & directing) -Jamie Luner taking a punch like the best of 'em -Various accents used for no apparent reason -Jamie Luner punching villains in the face -Jamie Luner doing her own stunts (running, climbing fences, falling) -Jamie Luner kneeing a subway thug in the family jewels. -Did I mention Jamie Luner running - breasts bouncing and swaying to and fro?

Oh, speaking of Jamie Luner running. One of my favorite scenes was when she was outrunning the detectives chasing her. Finally after scaling over a fence one of the soft, doughy detectives says to the other, "That woman runs like a deer!" as the other replies, "She's running for her life." While this hilarious exchange went on I was not blind to the fact that they might have actually apprehended her if they were in halfway decent shape. But when they ran to the fence they stopped and just stared at Jamie running by with no attempt to climb it...you go, girl!
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