Watch this movie and you too will be "Against The Ninja"
13 May 2016
Rocker Karate Guys vs Biker Ninjas. Does this really need elaboration?

I rate this as 3 stars out of 10 because it's has the feel of something written and acted by a bunch of amateurs who wanted to star in a movie about themselves and their friends.

But I have to admit: there's an earnestness and a positive message throughout the movie that makes "Miami Connection" quite likable...in a silly and half-baked way. And while the movie wastes a lot of time in pointless cul-de-sac scenes with the band members hanging out (and one member in a "missing father" subplot that would make Godfrey Ho scratch his head) , the energy level is usually pretty high.

The performances and songs are hilariously 80s anthem/Cheese Whiz that will stick to all the crevices in your brain and gum up your mental works. Apparently, being "Against the Ninja" is a "thing", did you know that? (Or was it "Kill The Ninja"? I couldn't tell. But the singer sure was Celine-Dion-level serious about it!)

Worth seeing once if you are a fan of directors such as Andy Sedaris.
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