Unusual Brit Social Comedy of a sort.
13 May 2016
Mathew Macfadyen, star of 'Riper Street and one of my favourite actors, stars as Emil Forrester an award winning film director who has hit a big creative block. With no stimulation and a dwindling bank balance, he is reaching the end of his tether. Then he gets an offer to attend the first ever international film festival in the newly established Democratic Republic of Karastan. A former Soviet state which is rife in the corruption and ineptitude one would expect.

Well once he gets there he sees the nightmare of poverty that exists but is taken by the charms of his chaperone. Then the President asks to meet him and offers him the chance to make a massive film about Krastan's national hero – and despite his misgivings, he accepts.

Now I enjoyed this, but it still has a few issues. The main one is in its ambition; and that is I found it hard to get what it was trying to be. It started off firmly as comedy and got a few laughs, then it goes into social commentary and then we have the story of a man who keeps making bad decisions who still relies on his own reasoning powers. The three main aspects just do not seem to mesh very well. That said the time did pass quite well and it did have some charm. The acting was all up to muster too. If you are still curious then consider the rental or streaming option as it is still worth a punt.
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