Lame Italian Cash-In
12 May 2016
Wild Beasts (1984)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

PCP gets mixed in with a water supply, which just happens to lead into the local zoo, which causes the animals to go crazy. After an elephant crashes through the wall all of the animals are on the loose and attacking humans.

Films like THE FOOD OF THE GODS, FROGS and DAY OF THE ANIMALS were just a few of the "nature attack" films that were popular in America during the 1970s. These types of movies continued to be produced and of course Italy would jump on the bandwagon and the result is this rather bad film that manages to be incredibly boring as well as stupid. As someone who really enjoys these nature movies, this one here was a major disappointment.

The biggest problem with this film is that the characters are just so stupid and so annoying that you really want to see them eaten by the animals. Rooting against your lead characters is never a good thing but even with the bad characters couldn't you enjoy the animal attacks? I wish you could but sadly the film is shot so dark that more times than not it's hard to see what's going on. Even worse is the fact that the animal attacks really weren't that believable and it was obvious the animals weren't really attacking.

Another problem I had with the film is that even at just 91 minutes the film really dragged at times. The only reason to watch this is if you're a fan of actress Lorraine De Selle who most will remember from HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK and CANNIBAL FEROX. It's always fun seeing regular faces in these movies but even she can't save this turkey.
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