Bland at best
12 May 2016
The Confirmation, the movie about stolen tools, is a very boring and bland with a plot full of cliché of any sorts and needless dialogues. The very beginning when mother of the boy was lecturing her ex-husband clearly indicated that it was going to be a drab. And it sure was. Honestly I don't get Jaeden Lieberher as a young actor. HIs performance in Midnight Special was non-existent and it was no different in this movie- the same one dimensional facial expression with few forced smiles here and there. It puzzles me how and why he was selected for this and other movies, he appears to have no acting talent. It was not best Clive Owen's performance, and two of them had zero on screen chemistry. The movie is neither a comedy nor a drama. I did not get why church and religion was brought into this film either.
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