Pretty Good low budget war Film.
12 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers

This low budget film starts out 48 hours before the cease fire that would end the Korean War.

Jack Ging is a NCO with an infantry company facing the Chinese Red Army. Ging is war weary and less that amused with his company commander, John Goddard. Ging has more than enough points to have been rotated out of the front line. Goddard however keeps him in the trenches because he is a hard core veteran.

Ging has on more than one occasion saved the company during Chinese attacks. Ging has had more than enough of combat, and he does not want to die just as the war is ending. Ging grabs the first medics he sees, and forces them at gunpoint to take him to a doc. The doctor calls the MPs and sends Ging back. The Captain, Goddard tells Ging he is stuck with him. It is either 10 years in the stockade, or stay in the lines. Ging decides on the latter choice.

Also in the mix in the company, is the lead Sgt, Douglas Henderson. Henderson is a veteran of WW2 who won a fistful of decorations in that conflict. He now, like, Ging, wants nothing but to live to see the States again. He dives for the nearest foxhole and covers up every time the Reds come a calling. Then there is the new man, Stanley Clements, also a WW2 veteran. Clements also has a beef with the Captain. It seems that Goddard had gotten the man busted in rank when the two had been with another unit.

Goddard orders a night patrol out to see if they can grab up some Chinese prisoners. The patrol goes sideways and several of the men are killed. Goddard of course blames everyone else for the foul-up. He chews out the squad Lt, Gabe Castle, and orders an assault on the Chinese positions. Castle tells him to get stuffed. He will not lead men out to get killed this close to the cease fire.

Goddard, who has annoyed his entire command, is called out to look at a dud Chinese artillery round. The round has landed in an un-cleared minefield. Goddard walks out to look at the round and steps on a mine. Goddard is now stuck out in the minefield unable to move.

The men just sit and watch Goddard standing, hoping that he blows himself to kingdom come. Goddard begs for help, finally, Ging, along with Sgt Henderson, go to have a look. They collect all the flak jackets from the squad first. These they wrap around Goddard's legs and body. Ging tells Goddard that he must throw himself to the ground as fast as he can. Hopefully the blast will be deflected by the flak jackets.

Goddard though is too frightened to move. This forces Ging to make a running tackle pulling Ging and Goddard off the mine. Goddard is unharmed but Ging is wounded picking up a leg full of metal splinters. Ging now has a legitimate reason to be sent to the medics.

The cease fire has arrived and the men all heave a sigh of relief, the war is over.

This is a pretty good little low budget film that says what has to say in just 61 minutes. The film was produced and directed by John A Bushelman. Bushelman was a former film editor who directed the odd film here and there.

Handling the director of photography duties, is long-time b film and TV cinematographer, Kenneth Peach. He worked in the industry between 1929 and 1984.
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