The Harvest (1993)
A hidden gem among horror thrillers
11 May 2016
The Harvest is the very definition of a hidden gem that one stumbles upon while watching late night cable and sits through to the end just because it's such a wickedly nasty little thriller. Erotic and steamy, dangerous, very darkly funny are qualities that all reside within a terrific script that has one kicker of an ending that's quite the chuckle inducing payoff. No one wants to have their organs taken while on vacation in some sketchy South American country, let alone consider the thought of it. Hard luck screenwriter Charlie Pope (an intense Miguel Ferrer in one of his few lead roles) falls right into that unthinkable scenario. He's sent to Mexico by his bad tempered boss Bob Lakin (a sleazy Harvey Fierstein, who REALLY needs to be in more movies), and marinates in the sweatiness trying to get some work done. After a hot and heavy night with a gorgeous local babe (Leilani Sarelle) he wakes up with the mother of all hangovers and is horrified to find that one of his kidneys has been removed. From there it's a stomach churning mad dash to figure out where the smugglers have gone, and evade the, at the same time, because they're coming to try and get his other one and silence him forever as well. It's an uncomfortable little piece of white knuckle trash, but it's made with solid flair and like I said, the script is top shelf stuff. Ferrer is the running man here, trying to keep one step ahead of some very dangerous people, his bountiful acting talent putting us right there with him. Fierstein is always a gravel voiced gem, and gets two penultimate scenes that spin the plot on its cogs, both which will have you laughing uncomfortably. There's also an early career appearance from George Clooney, who is Ferrer's cousin. His credit here, and I'm not even making this up, is 'Lip syncing transvestite'. How's that for a leg up in the industry. Lowbrow, gut churning black comedy mixed with the exotic fish out of water thriller makes for a neat little piece of genre bending, grotesque shocker fun.
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