Creeper (II) (2012)
Which Men's Rights Group Made This?
6 May 2016
I watch a LOT of horrible movies, even Blood Sucking Freaks is less misogynistic than this abortion.

The setup is that a group of women decide that because men send them pictures of their junk that revenge is warranted. That's not a bad premise, actually. But these women are sociopaths. They don't want revenge for their suffering sisters. They want it because they're bitches who like to see people suffer. To call them "mean girls" gives them too much credit. The scriptwriter wants you to know that they are the human scum they spend FAR too much times talking about. Seriously - there's probably a good ten minutes of their contempt for men.

To prove this, Gunnoe has them target...a retard. They find him on a cam site and make him their "slave", forcing him to debase himself while they have some unrequited, suppressed lesbian thing going on. They SO horrible, they decide to meet up with him and...KILL HIM! (Gasp!)...because he deserves it. They meet up with him and beat up this 6' 7" giant of a war veteran, wrap a cord around his next and taunt him as he dies. Their plan to get away with it is that he was the aggressor and that "pretty girls don't go to jail." Yes. Gunnoe actually writes that.

But he doesn't die. And he's not a "retard". The anti-psychotic meds prescribed to him rendered him barely functional. A year later and off his meds, he takes his revenge in the most ridiculous possible way. He installs an extensive wifi network in a forest and rigs up cameras, tracks the "bitches" down and broadcasts it. The rest of the movie consists of naked women running around a forest. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Gunnoe gives us no reason to suspend our disbelief at any point in this "film". You don't have to be an IT professional to know that you can't just rewire a tablet to "turn it into a GPS tracking device, send out our coordinates for help and now we know where he is." These are women who we come to find can't even figure out a stick shift. Calling the characters one-dimensional does the laws of physics and injustice.

Darryl Baldwin's performance as the victim (as Gunnoe would like you to think of him) almost comes close to working but falls apart the moment he has to do something other than look menacing. The women's performances consist of whining or Nazi- like condemnations of anyone who's not them. If there was even a hint of humor or self-awareness in this abortion it might have worked out. Instead, we get and ending with some elite military team which includes a moss-man. I'm not kidding.

One sentence review: Sorry about your penis size, dude.
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