Rush Hour (2016)
Rush Hour (tv series)
6 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I was first turned towards this TV series I was more than a little skeptical. I mean, I really LOVE the movies (okay, more like I love the first one and tolerate the last two, but it still counts). And they were daring to touch these beloved characters? Nu- uh, no way. But my friend reminded me to not judge a book by its cover. "Just try it out," she said, waving the remote.

So, I did.

And boy was I ever glad. I laughed through the whole first episode. Then I watched every other one posted on Comcast, and laughed some more. Since then, I've made sure to watch every episode that comes out.

Now, I know a lot of people say some negative things about this show. "It's not Jackie Chan!" they whine. True, but then, they never said it would be. It's not really fair to compare the two on whether or not they have famous actors or not. And I like the Lee they chose. He's not Jackie Chan, but he's not horrible (he's actually really good).

"The humor is corny!" they snipe. And, yeah, it kind of is. Especially in the first episode, but it evens itself out pretty quickly, and the actors get more comfortable with each other. Plus, I appreciate the clean humor.

The only thing I'd say they could work on is two fold (here there might be a teeny, tiny SPOILER, you have been warned).

1) The late hour it's shown really make it hard to watch when it first comes out. 10am on Thursday. I, for one, can't stay up that late. I usually watch it the night after.

2) (this would be the small spoiler) Lee could stand to be a less perfect. True, as the show goes on, he gets less Superman-y, but then he immediately shakes it off and BAM! he's back out in the action. Dude! There's just no way. I get that he's got moves and is tough, but when he's badly injured, you need to keep him limited to that injury the whole episode (not just the next two minutes).

All in all, I like the show. I hope they do a second season. Will there be people who hate it? Most likely. But I think there will be plenty of people who will like it too. Hope this helps a few of you give it a chance.
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