Review of Camping

Camping (2016– )
Julia Davis does it again!
6 May 2016
I am so grateful that I "get" the humour in this show. I would be so gutted if I missed the point. Genius characters, cringe-worthy plots. What's not to love?!

We all known an anally retentive bossy person in our every day lives. Imagine then that you had left this person in charge of your holiday? Lists, Kitty's, spreadsheets, itineraries and emails!

Whilst on said holiday, you will be joined by a recovering alcoholic and his mousy partner - together with his son who is full of hormones (no explanation necessary!) Add into the mix one half of a couple that you are friends with turning up with his new girlfriend and proceeds to fawn all over her embarrassingly! I think the observations were spot on. Especially Vicky Pepperdine's Character. I thought she was brilliant.

A must see for fans of Nighty Night.

Personally, I loved it.
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