Review of Rupture

The Flash: Rupture (2016)
Season 2, Episode 20
The City is Mine
3 May 2016
Look, I understand we all know Barry isn't dead and definitely retained his powers, but I think this episode did a good job of handling Barry's inner conflict with the particle accelerator. Pair that with wonderful acting all around (yes, I mean everyone) and you get a very good episode of Flash that puts it back on track for the rest of the season.

We began the episode with the team using a hologram of Flash to try and take down villains just by the intimidation factor. It was a neat idea if only it didn't completely backfire when Zoom took down all of the cops. I'm still not all that thrilled at the way they handled the Zoom character, but it was nice seeing him do something meaningful for the show by killing cops on national television. They didn't have the guts to kill off anybody from the main cast, but it was a cool moment.

No matter what Barry was saying, we all knew he was going to go through with the particle accelerator. It also became very obvious that this was the episode Jesse and Wally were going to get their speed. They haven't had a ton of screen time on the show, so pairing them in the secret room together, giving extended scenes to them, and even mentioning "electricity" a few times made it pretty evident. But hey, if they were going to do it, might as well be now.

Zoom's pawn of the week was Rupture, who turned out to be Cisco's brother from Earth-2, Dante. Dante's presence didn't do anything to add to the show in terms of quality, but I didn't mind seeing Cisco get extended time. Rupture was nothing special, and it still doesn't completely make sense why Zoom doesn't do what he wants instead of sending another villains out to do his work. Seriously, where does he run off to?

Iris had a good week, and Candice Patton got some time to shine. Patton showed me that it isn't entirely her fault that Iris has become uninteresting, because she clearly has what it takes to handle an emotional scene, as shown in her big moment with Barry. I'm still not pro-Barry and Iris, but this episode helped convince me just a little bit.

Lastly, Barry's dad was back this week, and sure he had plenty of advice for his son, but he also dropped a bombshell as to who is in the mask on earth 2. Apparently, Garrick is Henry's mother's maiden name, which has been rumored. The man under the mask is still not fully clear, but the fact that Garrick is within the family of the Allen's, hints at what may be to come.

+Zoom does something

+Cool reveal at the end

+Jesse and Wally get powers

+Well acted all around

-No real need for Cisco's brother

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