Review of Ajin

Ajin (2016–2017)
Pretty Damn Awesome!
24 April 2016
So right off the bat the first thing I have to say is this show is produced by Polygon Pictures, the same company that produced "Knights of Sidonia" so that means its 100% CG animation. Now my first impression was I didn't really like it(the animation), but I got use to it fairly quickly and as the series progressed theirs definitely quite a few epic scenes where it looks really good. So the story is about immortal people, if they die they basically instantly revive 100% fine & reconfigured. For me the story itself is pretty fresh, I haven't seen to many shows that involve immortals or at the very least they don't express the immortal aspects as the main focus as this show does, so its quite interesting. So the story is quite unique and expresses realistically how it would be if we discovered immortals in the real world, they'd be hunted like animals for research etc. It does a really good job about how people would view and react to things, they give you just enough information to understand and leave you with so many questions, it definitely leaves you wanting more. The animation, as I said is 100% CG. I know most people wont even give this a chance just because of this, but this show is pretty bad ass. From episode 1-10 I was enjoying it but what pushed me from a 7<8 was the last 3 episodes, they were EPIC, so bad ass lol. So if the idea of immortals sounds awesome (like it does to me) then just stick it out and watch cause you'll definitely get into it but for the love of god don't quit before the last 2 they make the hole show so epic. The music seemed pretty good, my first listen to the OP & ED I wasn't really into it but on my second listen it really grew on me & I found it quite enjoyable. All the music during the show matched fine as well. The English dub was pretty good, I didn't necessarily dislike any of them. So if your into action, blood, & bullets with a bit of mystery I think you'll enjoy it, just give the CG a chance its not so bad.

4/5 Why? Its a pretty intriguing story, it hasn't been done a hundred times and theirs things about it that separate it from typical immortal stories (not gonna go into spoilers though). The animation although its different from your typical anime its actually quite good (some parts clearly better than others but as a hole its good). The dub & music match well, nothing really feels off or missing. If your into action, blood, epic fights check this out. If you watch it to the end you'll be happy you did, my favorite episodes are the last two. Give the CG a chance!!
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