An Interesting Story Filled with Great Actors and Characters
2 May 2016
Louder than Bombs follows a family three years after their mother/wife dies as an article is going to be written about her for an exhibit. The family (a father and two sons) are united and have their fair share of troubles and problems together.

The plot is good. I wouldn't say it sounds horribly interesting, and it's kind of difficult to describe. In actuality, it's really just a few guys who are trying to make things work but they're all just living life mostly. I like movies about simply living life, however, and this one is no exception. The story is interesting, and presented in an interesting way.

The characters are the clear driving force, and they are great. All the actors are very good, and their characters are more engaging than you'd think. At first glance some of them may appear one- dimensional, like they're defined by a couple traits, but they all feel like there's something more too them. Some are a little weird, especially the character of Conrad, but his character is also one of the deepest, and the most explored or focused on. Everyone else has stuff going on, but not all of it is always focused on. The characters are all pretty realistic in this way and many others. You'll just have to see it to really understand.

Overall Louder than Bombs is really great. The story is simple but provides for some interesting characters and drama, and the characters certainly are great. In the end I'd recommend this movie.
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