Just Visiting (2001)
Visiting Earth-2 (tv)
30 April 2016
This is the American remake of one our best classic comedy. The originality for us french people is that this remake uses the same original and french duo of medieval heroes ! Thus as this movie deals with time travel, we get a really innovative experiment : if « BTF2 » was a travel into « BTF1 », this remake is like going into a parallel earth : it's the same story more or less, the same scenes and funny moments but in a total, new environment because we jump from a small rural french village to big city Chicago ! When it becomes even more crazy for me, it's because I know a bit Chicago after visiting it so i was as well in a known territory ! I found « Kelly Bundy » to do a good job and in all cases with more talent that the dreadful Robin used in the french sequel ! In a way, the variations really clarify and wakes up the story ; the production has more money to do great sets and effects ! It's true that i don't laugh as much, maybe because i was always in the gang ! But i also watched it in french so i lost all the pleasure to hear my fellows speak in medieval English ! In addition, it's a pity that the heir of Jacquouille has been erased because as Clavier was a electrical maniac funny actor, his character misses. To conclude, the remake is a bit less good than the french original but much better than its sequel !
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