A Very Interesting Film Throughout...
29 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are some mild spoilers in this review. Here we are in a seemingly American family, besides the mothers British accent, with a young boy named Alex played by one of my favorite actors Fergus Riordan. It starts at the beginning of the film with 10-year-old Alex as happy as any child can be while also expecting two younger twin siblings.

The moment the twins are brought into the home kind of presents a problem for young Alex as he finds that he can no longer do what he did before having them there thus emitting a burst of rage from him when he can not watch T.V. I thought it was quite humorous when he dropped hints to his dad that he wanted to have his own T.V. in which the dad relented, talked to his mother about it, and ultimately buys him one.

It takes a twist when he switches on the television to be greeted with scenes of war, death, and pure sadness. He then sees the army who are handing out cases of water and other provisions. That is where the Army Captain imaginary friend is born and the Astronaut Harry pretty much dead. He gains an all-out fascination with the violence of war, cuts his hair like an army recruit and wears his dad's army uniform.

In general, I think that this film's message is pretty much this: When you bring in two new babies and show them more attention than what you showed the one before them and the father is having an affair with the mother, it's going to end pretty nasty for any child. The child begins to lose touch with everyone around him primarily focusing everything within, happiness, anger, sadness, frustration. All this pent up emotion tends to erupt and who did it erupt with? Poor little Max, whose brother (a teenage boy older than either of the kids in the film) gets upset, beats the crap out of Alex who whips out a knife and is ultimately stabbed by the teenager and left to die on the street....I know, pretty brutal right? A saddening film indeed.
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