Radio Rampage (1944)
Radio Damage
28 April 2016
Radio Rampage (1944)

** (out of 4)

Edgar Kennedy gets home to a broken radio but instead of paying a repairman he decides to try and fix it himself. Before long the entire house is a wreck and he still has to deal with his annoying wife (Florence Lake) as well as her brother (Jack Rice) and mother (Dot Farley).

RADIO RAMPAGE is another film in the long-running "regular Joe" series that Kennedy and the gang made for well over a decade. It's rather amazing to see how long this series actually lasted and it just shows how much love people had for Kennedy. As was the case with most of the films I've seen, I really wasn't overly impressed with the story but thankfully Kennedy did make it mildly entertaining. There's no question that he was this series as he at least made you feel sorry for the character and all the bad situations he got himself into. The wife character wasn't nearly as annoying here as she was in previous episodes and there were a few funny moments scattered throughout.
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