Nazi Mega Weapons (2013– )
Unnecessarily Biased and Repetitive
27 April 2016
I really wanted to like this show.

In each episode you get a total of maybe 15 minutes showing cool and interesting inventions, development, and history surrounding the creations of the Nazi war machine during WWII.

The rest of the episode is either:

  • Terrible CGI battles

  • Horribly acted reenactments of some guy pretending to be Hitler yelling in German at other actors

  • "Professional historian experts" stumbling around the country side magically finding entire wrecks of aircraft and other war memorabilia that some how hasn't been cleaned up or discovered since the 1940's (Yeah, right. The ruins of concrete buildings I understand, but an entire plane wreckage in a field? Come on.)

  • A dozen or so painfully boring and long reminders at the end of each episode about how Germany lost the war to the allies repeated over and over and over Ad nauseam with montages of allied forces running up the beaches of Normandy and shots of Winston Churchill randomly walking around places

This show is more of an unnecessary propaganda piece to constantly remind the viewer that Germany lost the war than it is an informative historically accurate show to watch about the curious inventions during WWII.

We get it. Germany lost. We get it. The allies won. I know the victors write the history books (shows) but give it a rest. We just want to see some cool and revolutionary inventions that were created during that time period, not be shown the same shots of Omaha beach being invaded as an outro of every single episode while the historians and narrator desperately make sure the viewer knows that the Allies crushed the Nazi's.

Sadly, almost every show or documentary (History channel or not) attempting to show any information about the Nazi's or Germany during WWII takes this "propaganda over informative" route. You'd be hard pressed to find any type of media or entertainment that is unbiased enough to simply admit Germany had revolutionary inventions during this time period, without also shoving the fact that they lost down your throat.
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