An excellent yet sad ending. Don't mind the others who can't get their head around it
15 April 2016

Of course if you are reading this then you know what happened. Our Liz is dead of course we love to keep thinking of ways that it was faked and Mr. Kaplan helped sedate her but as far as we know right now, she is dead. Liz was the backbone of the show. Her character and the relationship between her and Reddington partially made the show we all love. Though killing off a main character is hard, the Blacklist producers and directors have seemed to successfully pull this off. Who knows what the Blacklist will be like now, since Tom is getting his own spin off and all. I know its going to be great. Just remember what Sir Crispin Crandall said, "We're in for a bumpy ride.". That we are Mr. Crandall, that we are. Oh and I just hope Jon really creates some great Blacklisters. I also would like to see the Tech Guy in this episode who gave the directions to Mr. Solomon be a real Blacklister. His character fits the bill for that. R.I.P. Lizzy.
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